Acta musealia 2021/1-2
Professional reviewed journal ISSN 0862-8548 (Print), ISSN 2787-9968 (On-line).
Registration no. by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic: E 11708
HOME PAGE OF JOURNAL IS https://muzeum-zlin..cz/acta-musealia-cz
Acta Musealia – journal in social sciences
Focus and Aim of the Journal
Journal Acta Musealia publishes researchers’ original studies as well as news from research in social sciences field and museological works and at the same time pay attention to care and preserving museum collections in the West Carpathian Mountains region, namely in the Zlínský kraj Region and its environs. Besides personal particulars, the journal also contains topical features, reviews and brief comments on social events in similar topics. When considering contributions to publish, the editorial board base their decision on the assessment of independent reviewers and at the same time also takes into consideration the formal aspect of a manuscript.
The journal was created by having been given an ISSN number by the National Technical Library in Prague on 9th November 1990. The first issue of the new series was published in 2016.
Indexing and abstracting
The journal is indexed in EBSCO and ERIH Plus
The Publisher
The periodical is published jointly by
The Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín, contributory organisation, (Vavrečkova 7040, P.O.Box 175, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic, Identification Number: 089982)
The Museum of the Moravian Wallachia region, contributory organisation, (Horní náměstí 2, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic, Identification Number: 00098574)
Mgr. Veronika Balajková, the Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín, contributory organisation, (Vavrečkova 7040, P.O.Box 175, 760 01 Zlín, telephone: +420 723 371 260, e-mail: veronika.balajkova@muzeum-zlin.cz)
All published issues of the journal can be obtained and ordered on the telephone number +420 571 611 690 and /or at the e-mail address: spitzerova@muzeumvalassko.cz
Schedule and Process of Assessment of Contributions
The Journal is published as two issues at the same time, at least once a year, specifically in May. The deadline for contributions accepting (in electronic form, by e-mail, addressed to the publisher) is by 31st August. Any further contributions will only be accepted if there is still free capacity. Acta Musealia is a reviewed professional journal. Each contribution in the section Study is reviewed by two reviewers. Submitted manuscripts will be assessed by the editorial board, which will decide by voting, whether the contribution is to be accepted for the review. The authors will be provided with the reviews of their contributions by professionals specialising in the given topic, which they may then use to revise their contributions. Sections Musealia, Personalia, Miscelania and Reviews are not reviewed. Reviewing is anonymous.
Contributions are free of charge and fees are not paid. Exceptions are not allowed.
Rules and Ethics for Publishing
Mgr. Ondřej Machálek, the Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín, contributory organisation, Chair of the editorial board
Mgr. Ivana Spitzer Ostřanská, the Museum of the Moravian Wallachia region, contributory organisation, Deputy Chair of editorial board
Mgr. Veronika Balajková, the Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín, contributory organisation, Executive Editor
PhDr. Alena Prudká, the Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín, contributory organisation, Secretary of the editorial board
Mgr. Samuel Španihel, the Museum of the Moravian Wallachia region, contributory organisation, Deputy of the executive editor
Mgr. Marta Kondrová, Moravian Slovakia Museum in Uherské Hradiště, contributory organisation, member of editorial board
Mgr. Gabriela Končitíková, Faculty of Management and Economics of Tomas Baťa University Zlín, member of editorial board
Mgr. Markéta Mercová, the Museum of Kroměříž Region in Kroměříž, contributory organisation, member of editorial board
Mgr. Lukáš Čoupek, PhD., SOkA, Uherské Hradiště, member of editorial board
Mgr. Petra Šobáňová, PhD., Palacký University Olomouc, member of editorial board
Mgr. Mário Bielich, PhD., Institute of Archaeology SAV Nitra, member of editorial board
Acta musealia 2021/1-2
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