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When publishing contributions in Acta Musealia Journal, all participants to the process will comply with the following rules and duties.
Duties of the authors:
● The authors are obliged to submit the proposal to the publisher properly and in a timely manner. The authors are responsible for factual and professional standard of their paper and chosen methodology as well as interpretation of conclusions.
● The authors are also responsible for the originality of their contribution. The main topic may not be offered to be published in other publications.
● The authors are obliged to be subject of reviewing process, respond to the remarks of the reviewers and, based on these remarks, proceed with suggested amendments. If in disagreement, they may address the actual saving clauses to the editorial board of the journal, or decide not to have their contribution published.
● Only such authors who contributed significantly to achieving the presented results of the research can be named as a part of a team of authors.
● The authors are obliged to observe the rules for the authors and adhere to the prescribed quotation form.
Duties of the reviewers:
● Texts declared as studies (except musealia, personalia, miscelania and reviews) are subject to reviewing process, in the frame of which the contribution is assessed anonymously by two reviewers. The appointment of a reviewer (local or from abroad) is based on the topic of the reviewed text and specialisation of the reviewer.
● Reviewers must observe objectivity.
● Reviewer may refuse to review a contribution if there may be a conflict of professional interest. Such a conflict represents:
● Unless a reviewer declines in writing to review for one of the above reasons, the editorial board understand there is no conflict of interest.
● The reviewers should notify the author if any major published sources pertaining to the topic are missing.
● Based on the reviews, the contribution is accepted by the editorial board to be printed, returned to the author for revision or declined. If the two opponents are of considerably different opinions, the third review is sought. If the differences in opinions persist, the decision whether to publish a contribution is in the competence of the editorial board.
Duties of the editorial board:
● Members of the editorial board in charge maintain objective approach to all submitted contributions, i.e. in the course of the decision process they are obliged to avoid conflict of interest and honour the main criteria for selection of the contributions, which are:
○ professional standard and importance of a given contribution;
○ compliance of the topic with the professional orientation of the periodical.
● In the reviewing process, the members of the editorial board in charge are obliged to maintain the anonymity of both the reviewers and the authors.
● Any appeals by the authors against the reviews as well as any other complaints are dealt with by the chief and executive editors in cooperation with the editorial board.
● The decision whether to publish a contribution is the final and irrevocable decision of the chief and executive editors.
● The editorial board continuously strive to improve the periodical in both professional and formal respect, they encourage the freedom of speech and in compliance with generally respected ethics are prepared, after a prior discussion, to publish amendments, appeals or apologies.
● The editorial board define instructions pertaining to the editorial process (instructions for the authors, instructions for the reviewing process, instructions for the reviewers, etc.)
● The editorial board guarantee observing of the above stated rules.
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